Volunteers Needed To assist with neighborhood events

The Bristol Park HOA Board of Managers is seeking volunteers to assist with neighborhood events. Volunteers are needed to assist with planning and executing neighborhood events such as the Easter Egg hunt and summer pool party. The HOA has a budget for events, but volunteers are needed to make the events happen. HOA Secretary Julie Bisbee-Wheeler will be coordinating volunteers. If you are interested please contact the HOA at info@bristolpark.org. Be sure you put “volunteer” in the subject line. 

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bylaw vote results

The final vote count for the revision of the HOA bylaws and ccrs is 95 votes in favor of the changes out of 106 total votes. Slightly over one third of the homeowners in Bristol Park submitted a ballot. While over 89% of those that voted were in favor of the amendments, there were not enough total votes for amendment approval. Our current bylaws state that 60% of homeowners must approve changes to the bylaws. We received just over half that amount at 30.5%. Bristol Park has 311 homes so this equates to 187 votes needed in favor of the amendments for passage. Therefore, the HOA will continue to operate on rules and policies adopted by the developer almost 20 years ago. Some of the board members have been working hard on this issue for over 2 months now and their effort is appreciated. At this time, there are no plans to continue to pursue updating the bylaws as there doesn’t seem to be enough homeowner interest in the issue. Attorney fees and mailing costs were in excess of $4500 for the 2 voting attempts and the board does not feel it’s worthwhile to spend any more at this time due to homeowner apathy.

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Bylaw update from HOA President

As of today, we have 70 votes to approve the new bylaws with 79 ballots submitted. This indicates the overwhelming majority of homeowners that submitted ballots approve of the new updated bylaws. However, for bylaw amendment approval, at least 187 “yes” votes are needed. PLEASE submit your ballot as soon as possible. The final day to submit your ballot is October 30, 2019. As a reminder, ballots that were submitted prior to September (July 25 ballot) are not valid for this vote. You must submit the ballot with a voting date of October 30. The amendments were changed slightly after the July 25 voting meeting and a new ballot was mailed the first week of September. I urge all homeowners to submit their ballot with a “yes” vote. Members of the board and other homeowners have devoted a significant amount of time and effort in an attempt to update our 20 year old bylaws. Please show your support for the HOA with your signed ballot.

A notary will be available at the pool on Saturday, Oct 26 from 9:00AM until 11:00AM.

Thank you.

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Bylaw ballots due Oct. 30

All ballots to support the update of the Bristol Park neighborhood bylaws are due Oct. 30.

Property owners need to take action to update bylaws drafted more than 20 years ago by the original developer.

Ballots must be notarized. To change bylaws, more 160 property owners must submit ballots. Currently less than 100 ballots have been received.

There are two opportunities to submit ballots on Saturday and get them notarized. Please bring your ID.

9 am to 11 am Saturday, October 19 at Bristol Park Pool

1 pm to 4 pm, Saturday, October 19 at McDonald’s on 33rd Street.

If you need a ballot or notary, please contact the HOA Board at info@bristolpark.org.

The final opportunity to turn in a ballot is the voting meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30 at Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street. Signed and notarized ballots must also be postmarked by Oct. 30 to be considered.

To learn more about revisions, click here: https://bristolpark.org/2019/09/16/neighborhood-bylaw-change-your-support-is-needed/

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bylaw revisions ballot

Homeowners may submit their ballot for the bylaw revisions on Saturday, Oct 12 from 9:30 to 11:30 at the swimming pool. A notary will be available. Please bring a photo ID if your ballot signatures need to be notarized. I urge all homeowners to vote on this important issue for the benefit of the neighborhood.

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A message from the Bristol Park HOA President: Please take action

The Bristol Park HOA Board of Managers has proposed updated bylaws for our community. In order to adopt these updated bylaws, we must have 187 votes (60% of 311 homes) in favor of the revisions. The first vote in July resulted in only 40 homeowners responding to the mailed ballot and was unsuccessful because of a lack of participation. That effort brought forth important feedback from property owners, and that new language has been incorporated in the second attempt to update bylaw written by the neighborhood developer more than 20 years ago.

New ballots with updated language were sent to property owners in early September, and that information can be found here. The updated amendment language is also on the website here.

I urge all homeowners to return the ballot with a “yes” vote before the final opportunity to vote on Oct. 30.  Volunteers have canvassed the neighborhood to talk with homeowners about the revision and let them know of opportunities to get ballots notarized for free and turn in the ballot.

We are just three weeks out from the voting meeting, but we still need 150 “yes” votes to adopt the new bylaws. Attorney’s fees and mailing the ballots have a cost. The HOA has spent nearly $5,000 on this project. It is vital that homeowners participate in this effort so those funds are not wasted.

To make it convenient and easy for Bristol Park property owners to get ballots notarized and turned in, we will have a notary at the pool again this Saturday, Oct. 5 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.  Please bring a photo ID for all property owners signing the ballot. Any questions you may have can be addressed at that time.

Other opportunities to take advantage of a free notary and turn in your ballot include:

  • HOA Board of Managers Meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17 at the Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street.

The final opportunity to turn in a ballot is the voting meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30 at Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street. Signed and notarized ballots must also be postmarked by Oct. 30 to be considered.

Thank you for your support.

— Dave Patrick

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Neighborhood bylaw change: your Support is Needed

Ballots for the change in the HOA bylaws were mailed out in early September. Please take a minute and read through it and support the measure to update the laws. Bylaws were written when Bristol Park was first developed, and have not been updated in 20 years.

Please consider supporting this effort to maintain the value and appeal of Bristol Park.

Ballots need to be signed by property owners on the deed. Signatures will need to be notarized.

There are several opportunities to turn in your ballot in the next few weeks:

  • HOA Board of Managers Meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street
  • HOA Board of Managers Meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17 at the Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street.

The final opportunity to turn in a ballot is the voting meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30 at Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street. Signed and notarized ballots must also be postmarked by Oct. 30 to be considered.

The HOA seeks to change the bylaws to:
• Update and remove references to private developers in bylaws.
• Change roof shingle requirement to currently available manufacturer and type.
• Remove restrictions on hot tubs. Allow homeowners to have hot tubs up to 400 gallons.
• Add requirement that new homeowners must occupy property for one year before home can be offered for rental.
• Limit number of rental properties to 10% of total homes. Some homes will be allowed to be grandfathered and hardship requests will be considered.

o The goal is reduce or prevent investment property overrun in Bristol Park. Research shows that owner-occupied properties are maintained. Studies also show that neighborhoods with high levels of absentee ownership have a higher rate of decline, increased crime, and declined resale value. Currently nearly 20 percent of homes in Bristol Park are rentals.

Changes will require property owners who rent their home to have a professional lawn service, and have up to 90 days to secure new tenants.
• Require rental lease agreements to be at least 12 months to limit short term rentals and AirBNB rentals.




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Update on efforts to modernize Bristol Park covenants and bylaws

The Bristol Park HOA Board of Managers will continue to work on updates to the neighborhood’s covenant and bylaws.

In July, a voting meeting was held to amend the neighborhood convents in an effort to retain property values, quality of neighborhood and resale value for homeowners. To change the bylaws, which were originally written by the developer in 1997, more than half of all property owners have to vote in favor of a change.

After the July 25 deadline to vote for changes to bylaws, only 40 property owners out of 311 voted in favor of requiring property owners to live in their homes for one year before leasing a home, and putting restrictions in place that would cap or reduce the number of rental properties in Bristol Park.

Without the necessary votes, the effort to update the neighborhood bylaws did not pass. The HOA Board of Managers remains committed to helping Bristol Park maintain its value and appeal and will continue efforts to educate residents and property owners on the need to update the bylaws that were originally written nearly 20 years ago.

Possible efforts could include going door-to-door canvassing and meetings for property owners to get additional information and cast a vote to secure updates neighborhood bylaws.
The HOA seeks to change the bylaws to:
• Update and remove references to private developers in bylaws.
• Change roof shingle requirement to currently available manufacturer and type.
• Remove restrictions on hot tubs. Allow homeowners to have hot tubs up to 400 gallons.
• Add requirement that new homeowners must occupy property for one year before home can be offered for rental.
• Limit number of rental properties to 10% of total homes. Some homes will be allowed to be grandfathered and hardship requests will be considered.

o The goal is reduce or prevent investment property overrun in Bristol Park. Research shows that owner-occupied properties are maintained. Studies also show that neighborhoods with high levels of absentee ownership have a higher rate of decline, increased crime, and declined resale value. Currently nearly 20 percent of homes in Bristol Park are rentals.

Changes will require property owners who rent their home to have a professional lawn service, and have up to 90 days to secure new tenants.
• Require rental lease agreements to be at least 12 months to limit short term rentals and AirBNB rentals.

Please continue watch this website as more updates to this important effort. If you are interested in helping with this important neighborhood project, please contact the HOA Board of Managers at info@bristolpark.org.

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Bristol Park HOA Board proposes changes to neighborhood bylaws

Message from the president and board of managers:

Bristol Park was built and developed beginning in 1997. At that time, the Homeowners Association was controlled by the developer and builder. The HOA bylaws and CCRs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) were adopted with the developer’s and builder’s needs addressed.

Bristol Park development was completed and filled out in the early 2000’s. Since that time, the CCRs and bylaws have not been changed to reflect the completion of the housing development and transfer majority control to the existing homeowners.

The board of managers has hired an attorney to rewrite/amend the bylaws and CCRs to be more in line with current conditions in the neighborhood. The changes proposed are listed in the attached document. Within the next week, each homeowner should receive a copy of the proposed changes along with a ballot to submit a vote for approval.

To approve the amendments, the ballot needs to be signed by each homeowner on deed and both signatures must be notarized. We will be holding a voting meeting on July 25 at the pool, where your signatures can be notarized and ballot submitted.

I encourage all homeowners to review attached changes and vote to adopt the amendments as proposed. Any questions you may have can be answered at the July 25 meeting at the pool.

Thank you.

Dave Patrick
President, Bristol Park HOA Board of Managers

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April HOA Board of Managers Meeting Thursday, April 18

The Bristol Park Home Owners Association Board of Managers will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 18 at Communication Federal Credit Union, 100 NE 150th Street.

All homeowners are welcome to attend.


1. Update on playground mulch
2. Update on canal repair
3. Update on pool signage
4. Update on enforcement actions
5. Update on Pitzer contract
6. Discuss covenant and by-law changes and budget for legal counsel
7. Other new business

March Minutes


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