bylaw vote results

The final vote count for the revision of the HOA bylaws and ccrs is 95 votes in favor of the changes out of 106 total votes. Slightly over one third of the homeowners in Bristol Park submitted a ballot. While over 89% of those that voted were in favor of the amendments, there were not enough total votes for amendment approval. Our current bylaws state that 60% of homeowners must approve changes to the bylaws. We received just over half that amount at 30.5%. Bristol Park has 311 homes so this equates to 187 votes needed in favor of the amendments for passage. Therefore, the HOA will continue to operate on rules and policies adopted by the developer almost 20 years ago. Some of the board members have been working hard on this issue for over 2 months now and their effort is appreciated. At this time, there are no plans to continue to pursue updating the bylaws as there doesn’t seem to be enough homeowner interest in the issue. Attorney fees and mailing costs were in excess of $4500 for the 2 voting attempts and the board does not feel it’s worthwhile to spend any more at this time due to homeowner apathy.

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