Bylaw update from HOA President

As of today, we have 70 votes to approve the new bylaws with 79 ballots submitted. This indicates the overwhelming majority of homeowners that submitted ballots approve of the new updated bylaws. However, for bylaw amendment approval, at least 187 “yes” votes are needed. PLEASE submit your ballot as soon as possible. The final day to submit your ballot is October 30, 2019. As a reminder, ballots that were submitted prior to September (July 25 ballot) are not valid for this vote. You must submit the ballot with a voting date of October 30. The amendments were changed slightly after the July 25 voting meeting and a new ballot was mailed the first week of September. I urge all homeowners to submit their ballot with a “yes” vote. Members of the board and other homeowners have devoted a significant amount of time and effort in an attempt to update our 20 year old bylaws. Please show your support for the HOA with your signed ballot.

A notary will be available at the pool on Saturday, Oct 26 from 9:00AM until 11:00AM.

Thank you.

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